When your organization is planning a meeting, having to hire a keynote speaker can be overwhelming. The speaker you choose will make an enormous difference on how engaged the attendees will be. There are many skilled professionals out there who would like the opportunity to speak to your team, but how do you know
who’s going to be the best keynote speaker for this particular event?
Here’s what you need to ask yourself and the rest of the event organizers:
What is the purpose of the meeting? Are you holding this meeting for a specific purpose such as education and training, to motivate your employees and increase morale, or perhaps promote awareness of a certain internal or external issue?
- Who is the chief audience? Is the audience comprised of senior management? The sales team or the IT department? Knowing your audience can help you choose the right speaker who can speak their language and turn the keynote address into something that will interest and inspire them.
- What type of keynote speaker is the most appropriate given the purpose? There are several kinds of professional speakers. Motivational and inspirational speakers, worldwide influencers, futurists, industry trend experts and luminaries- and sometimes a speaker will fit into multiple categories- all different types of keynote speakers.
- What topics are going to be addressed at the event? A motivational keynote speaker who is highly familiar with the topics to be addressed and is renowned for speaking about them can give your team the inspiration and know-how they need to exceed their goals. Familiarity with specific topics is ideal for educational meetings and keeping the audience engaged.
Determining the purpose, audience, and topics will help you decide on the best keynote speaker for your meeting.
Mike Hourigan is a one of the best Keynote Speakers today and you can contact him by filling out the form below.