Riding the Waves Without Getting Wet – A Journey to Leadership – The Book

Riding The Waves Without Getting Wet Book Cover

Riding the Waves Without Getting Wet – A Journey to Leadership

Just like waves in the ocean come in sets of seven, this book delivers seven frothy chapters on leadership. This sea-fearing story is a survival tale and a leadership manual all wrapped into one. Each wave of information crests with leadership wisdom you can put into use immediately. Most leadership lessons are really life lessons with a twist and this story puts a unique twist on many of those lessons. You will be taken with a character named “Foot” and wish you had a boss just like him, or wish you could be a boss just like him.


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Mike does much more than present one-of-a-kind keynote speeches - he provides fun and fact filled breakout sessions as well as dynamic training programs for numerous organizations like Marriott, Disney, Harley-Davidson and even the U.S. Army.


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