What do layoffs, mergers, location changes, acquisitions, new production facilities and changes of management all have in common? Hint: it’s not what you think – and that’s the problem. As a safety speaker who has been delivering safety keynote speeches on safety for many years, I will be “pleased” to give you the answer: whenever a change occurs, it is a virtual guarantee that serious accidents will increase. Of...
Why you want to hire a Safety Day Speaker for your company‘s Safety Day Event Hiring a Safety Day Speaker at your company's safety day is a great opportunity to educate employees on the importance of safety in the workplace. By having a Safety Day Speaker, you can guarantee that your employees are getting the most out of the event. When it comes to choosing a Safety Day Speaker,...
A Safety Silo is not a Disney Ride One of the highest purposes of my life is to be a motivational safety speaker. Speaking on safety is personal to me, because of the early years of my career. Long before I went into sales and became a keynote speaker, I worked in factories and steel mills. I saw far too many injuries that could have been avoided. “If you...
How Many Days Has It Been for You? My work as a Workplace Safety Speaker has taken me to many manufacturing, trucking and construction companies. Recently, the president of a company invited me to see the operation before I delivered a safety speech. Before I ever thought about becoming a keynote speaker on safety, I worked in construction, manufacturing, and transportation, so it always feels good to “come back...
In this three-part series, Safety Speaker Mike Hourigan will be examining everyday decisions that affect workplace safety. Part 2: Last time, we got into how managers often face risky decisions when it comes to workplace safety. There's concerns not just for very physical jobs and complying with laws as well as procedures, but also in creating and fostering a culture that values employee safety. Are your decisions creating a...
Having both a culture that prioritizes workplace safety and a literal safe workplace are very important. Safety skills training is an important investment in insuring that every work environment from factory floors and design studios has the lowest likelihood of grievous injuries and stressful or compromising professional relationships. But an unfortunate truth is that safety regulations and procedures aren't exactly the most thrilling topic, and your employees aren't going to...