Safety Speaker Mike Hourigan: Is Safety an Accident?

Keynote and Safety Speaker Mike Hourigan
In today's fast-paced and competitive world, a workplace safety speaker and safety in the workplace are of utmost importance. Organizations are constantly striving to create a culture of safety to protect their employees, customers, and assets. One influential figure who has dedicated his career to promoting safety awareness is the renowned safety speaker, Mike Hourigan. With his expertise and passion for workplace safety, Hourigan challenges the notion that safety is...

Mike Hourigan, Orlando Motivational Speaker

Orlando Motivational Speaker
As a motivational speaker who loves speaking to Orlando trade show groups, by this time I suppose I have heard just about every single “trade show concern.” The concerns range from “Why plan an Orlando trade show,” to “What can be my ROI on an Orlando trade show,” to “How do attendees feel about in-person Orlando trade shows all-together?” The positive statistics about holding in-person trade shows are overwhelming....

Blog Negotiation Skills Keynote Speaker

In my many years of speaking and consulting work as a negotiation skills keynote speaker I cannot recall a time when I have encountered quite as many executive leaders and managers who thrive on conflict. I am not alone in this observation. Our workplaces, in-person, hybrid or virtual, seem to have an abundance of anger, drama, outrage and over-the-top behaviors. Not surprising, psychologists call them high-conflict-people. They must “pile-on”...

Blog: Mike Hourigan, Workplace Change Keynote Speaker

As a workplace change management speaker and consultant, I am fascinated by how management “statistics” get perpetuated and become “truth.” Back in that pre-pandemic golden era of 2015, McKinsey & Company published an article entitled Change in Change Management. As I am a national speaker on change, I was naturally anxious to read the piece. The authors listed five principles of monitoring and ensuring change in this new, digital...

Mastering Negotiation Skills in a Hybrid Workforce: Insights from Negotiation Skills Speaker Mike Hourigan

Negotiation Skills Speaker Mike Hourigan
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the rise of hybrid work models has transformed the way organizations operate. With teams spread across physical and virtual spaces, the need for effective negotiation skills has never been more critical. Enter Mike Hourigan, a distinguished negotiation skills speaker renowned for his expertise in empowering individuals and teams with the essential tools for successful negotiations. In this blog, we'll explore the crucial role...

Embracing Change: A Look at Change Management with Speaker Mike Hourigan and the 5-Generation Workforce

Change Management Keynote Speaker
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, change has become a constant. Organizations are continually faced with the need to adapt to new technologies, market trends, and ways of working. This dynamic environment has given rise to the critical need for effective change management strategies, particularly when considering the diverse workforce comprising five generations – from traditionalists to Generation Z. Enter Mike Hourigan, a renowned change management speaker who has...

Mike Hourigan, Motivational Safety Keynote Speaker

Workplace Safety Speaker Mike Hourigan
Crafting the Serious Safety Message There is no end to online “safety message lists.” We’ve all seen them and as a national motivational safety speaker, I would bet I’ve seen more than most. In fact, there’s a safety message for just about everything from: “Immediately Report Faulty Equipment” to “Watch How You Lift” to “It’s Up to You to Attend Regular Safety Training.” As a safety speaker and at...

Mike Hourigan, the best Motivational Safety Keynote Speaker

Safety Speaker
“People often believed they were safer in the light, thinking monsters only came out at night. But safety – like light – is a façade. - Author, C.J. Roberts As a motivational safety keynote speaker and safety consultant, allow me to answer my own question, though I doubt many executive leaders or their safety officers will like my answer. What is the problem with safety day events? They are...

Mastering Negotiations: Identify Your Three Most Important Asks

Negotiation Skills Speaker Mike Hourigan
As a professional Negotiation Skills Speaker, I can assure you that negotiations can be challenging and complex, requiring careful planning and strategic thinking. To maximize your chances of success, it is essential to identify and prioritize your most important asks. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of knowing your three most important asks in any negotiation. By understanding how to define and prioritize your key requests,...

Choosing the Perfect Negotiation Team: Your Key to a Successful Negotiation

Negotiation Skills Training Speaker Mike Hourigan
As a Negotiation Skills Speaker, I can assure you that negotiation is a crucial aspect of any business deal or dispute resolution. To ensure a favorable outcome, assembling the right negotiation team is paramount. In this blog post, we will explore the key factors to consider when selecting the perfect negotiation team for your next important discussion. From expertise and diversity to communication skills and synergy, let's dive into...

Mike Hourigan, Hybrid Workplace Keynote Speaker and Consultant

As a national hybrid workplace keynote speaker and consultant, I am surprised that after at lease 18-months, that there is still so much bluster around hybrid work. I routinely hear of executive leaders calling for punitive actions against employees who are resisting a full-time return to the office. Then, of course, there is the pontification over issues such as what to do with excess office space, declining bus ridership,”...

When is 100-Percent the Same as 0-Percent?

“Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable”. ― Mark Twain In my professional role as a workplace safety speaker and workplace safety consultant and author, I am pleased beyond measure to speak in front of thousands of manufacturers, safety officers, executive leaders and, of course, those who run the machinery, work the production lines, load the trucks in warehouses and drive the big rigs. Though I earned my...

Top 5 Advantages for Using a Negotiation Skills Trainer

As a national negotiation skills keynote speaker, a frequent question I am asked is “Why should I use a negotiation skills trainer, aren’t negotiation skills common knowledge?” Unfortunately, negotiation skills are not common knowledge and trying to negotiate a transaction of any kind without training can cost your organization money, time, competitive advantage, status or any other number of outcomes. The advantages of using a negotiation skills trainer are...

Unveiling Transformation with Keynote Speakers on Change: A Roadmap to Adaptation

Keynote Speakers on Change
In the ever-evolving landscape of today's business world, change is a constant. It's a force that can shape the destiny of organizations, driving them toward growth and innovation. As the tides of change surge, the role of keynote speakers on change, emerges as a guiding beacon, illuminating the path forward for businesses seeking to navigate transformation. The Power of Keynote Speakers on Change: Keynote speakers on change are catalysts...

Navigating Transformation: The Role of a Change Management Speaker

Change Management Speaker
In a rapidly evolving business landscape, the ability to manage change effectively has become a cornerstone of success. As organizations grapple with technological advancements, market shifts, and industry disruptions, the demand for adept change management strategies has never been higher. This is where a seasoned Change Management Speaker steps into the spotlight, equipped to guide businesses through the intricate process of transformation. The Power of Change Management: Change is...

The Role and Impact of Change Management Safety Speakers in Organizations

Change Management Speaker
Change within an organization is a constant and necessary aspect of growth and adaptation. However, managing change effectively while ensuring the safety and well-being of employees is a complex challenge. This is where a change management speaker plays a crucial role. These individuals are experts in both change management strategies and workplace safety protocols, and they are instrumental in guiding organizations through periods of transformation while maintaining a focus...

Empowering Your Audience: Unveiling the Power of a Safety Events Speaker

Safety Training Speaker Mike Hourigan
Safety should never be taken lightly, especially in today's fast-paced world where risks and uncertainties abound. Whether you're managing a large corporation, a community organization, or any group of individuals, ensuring safety is paramount. One effective way to engage and educate your audience about safety is by bringing in a knowledgeable safety events speaker. In this blog post, we will explore the incredible benefits of having a safety events...

Elevate Workplace Safety with Expert Speakers: Your Ultimate Guide

Workplace Safety Training Speaker Mike Hourigan
Workplace safety is paramount in any organization, as it ensures the well-being of employees, boosts productivity, and upholds a positive reputation. One powerful way to emphasize and educate about workplace safety is through engaging and informative speakers. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of workplace safety speakers and how they can contribute to creating a safer and more productive work environment. Why Choose a Workplace Safety Speaker? Expert...

Mike Hourigan, Conflict Resolution/Conflict Negotiation Speaker

As a conflict resolution speaker and conflict negotiation skills speaker, I am amazed at the importance this workplace problem has taken in corporate life. I am not “amazed” that it is important, but that this highly important negotiation skills issue has taken so long to get the recognition it deserves. Your most important negotiation skill? In a recent (July 2023) Harvard Business blog, the importance of the issue was...

Mike Hourigan, Sales Negotiation Keynote Speaker

“What did you drive to work today?” When I address corporations and associations, a common question I receive as a sales negotiation skills training speaker and sales negotiation consultant is: “Mike, at what point does the actual sales negotiation begin?” Sometimes the audience chimes in when I ask for answers before my comments; they bark out “Negotiation starts before the cocktails and after the dinner,” or “As soon as...