Accounting Leadership in 2021: Looking Dismal, and Time to Fix It As a leadership skills speaker for accountants, I have learned that while accountants, in general, have a high level of technical expertise, their leadership skills continue to lag. This fact may not be all that bothersome to those of you who are almost never “public facing,” but for the rest of the profession poor leadership skills for accountants...
You're planning an event or meeting and need to hire a keynote speaker. You could potentially arrange that with just a few clicks but if you haven't worked with a professional keynote speaker before, communication skills training is key if you're going to email them. Here's what you need to include in your keynote speaker invitation email. The most important information you need to mention upfront is what type...
When looking for a Millennial Keynote speaker, especially if you have a Millennial audience in mind, you need to ask yourself what you're really looking to get out of hiring a speaker. Is the problem you're currently facing with your employees about a lack of willingness to understand each other's generation, or is the problem about being unable to effectively communicate? Many experts agree that Millennials are genuinely lacking in...
Workplace safety is of utmost importance when you're dealing with dangerous chemicals in labs or raw materials likely to hurt people on construction sites. There's federal and state regulations to comply with along with additional safety protocols set by management. But safety isn't just about adhering to laws and making sure that your employees are paying attention when operating heavy machinery. It's about creating a culture of workplace safety...
Teaching Your Sales Team How to Sell Without the Feeling of Being Sold To
When it comes to training and motivating your sales team, those darn Millennials are at it again. There’s sales methods that older than dirt which entail the finer nuances of observation and communication, many of which are still widely employed today, but the times are changing. In fact, times are not just changing but changing...