As a Dallas Change Keynote Speaker, one topic I am frequently asked to present is the challenge of the “blended office,” the so-called intergenerational office. It’s a mixed blessing of challenges, but also tremendous upside. The Challenge The intergenerational office is more than saying, “We’ve got young guys and old guys.” In fact, there are five groups in the modern office setting, with each group having varying values, work...
When looking for a Millennial Keynote speaker, especially if you have a Millennial audience in mind, you need to ask yourself what you're really looking to get out of hiring a speaker. Is the problem you're currently facing with your employees about a lack of willingness to understand each other's generation, or is the problem about being unable to effectively communicate? Many experts agree that Millennials are genuinely lacking in...
How a Millennial Speaker can help with your Multi Generational Workforce Millennials are often scapegoated for a lot of society's problems. While this generation genuinely faces major shortcomings in soft skills thanks to the over-emphasis on technical proficiency in their education, their hard work and new perspectives often go unnoticed. Intergenerational communication breakdowns between Boomers and Millennials are a daily problem for most people and the workplace is certainly...
Teaching Your Sales Team How to Sell Without the Feeling of Being Sold To
When it comes to training and motivating your sales team, those darn Millennials are at it again. There’s sales methods that older than dirt which entail the finer nuances of observation and communication, many of which are still widely employed today, but the times are changing. In fact, times are not just changing but changing...
It’s no secret that Millennials, despite all of the flack they receive from older generations, have a great deal of untapped salesmanship potential that likely hasn’t been nurtured yet. Millennials have a lot of technical knowledge but not enough soft skills and in facing tough financial and job markets, they also weren’t really taught how to negotiate. The potential is there but it needs to be brought forth.